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INRCA presents NEST at the EU Researchers Night event in Ancona, Italy.
Your Content Goes Here IRCCS INRCA took part in the evening of the Eu Researchers Night, on 29 September, with its researchers and its important international projects,[...]
Eodyne presents NEST at Centres for Brain Injury in Madrid and Salamanca
Your Content Goes Here Recently, Eodyne´s team was invited to demonstrate the innovative RGS ecosystem (Rehabilitation Gaming System) in reference in Brain Injury centers in Madrid and Salamanca (Ceadac Imserso, FEMM.- Fundación[...]
The NEST plenary meeting organized by INRCA, Ancona, Italy
Your Content Goes Here The IRCCS INRCA of Ancona hosted the two-day Consortium Meeting of the European project Neurorehabilitation Ecosystem for Sustained Therapy -NEST- funded by[...]
NEST is presented at the Congress on NeuroRehabilitation and Neural Repair in Maastrict
Your Content Goes Here The NEST solution is presented at the 4th International Congress on Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair in Maastricht. 31 May - 2 June 2023 This International Congress aims to bring together scientists and clinicians with a[...]
NEST is presented at SERMEF 2023 in Spain
Your Content Goes Here Dr. Susana Rodriguez from Val D´Hebron presents the NEST project at the SERMEF the 61º Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación y Medicina Física (SERMEF). 17-20[...]
NEST presented at Round table in the 61st Spanish PMR National Congress, Santander – Spain
Your Content Goes Here With Dr. Susana Rodriguez, Val d' Hebron presented NEST at Round table in the 61st Spanish PMR National Congress, Santander - Spain 17 May 2023[...]
The RGSapp demoed at Radboud Medical Center.
Your Content Goes Here During the 100 Gesture event at Radboud University, 8-11 May 2023, the NEST project was presented at the Radboud University Medical Center. This[...]
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